Month: March 2020

Podcast Transcript: Hello fellow scientists! Welcome back to “Curious World”, the podcast where we talk about what on EARTH is going on. I’m Elsa Dupuy d’Angeac, your host. In today’s episode, we are going to learn about something called the Anthropocene! The An-thro-po-cene? What is that? Well, it may sound weird and confusing, but it

To survive, we must continuously adapt our ways of being by allowing gatherings to change us. The tree of life is insubstantial as a guiding model for our existence because it writes an elite into its framework, assuming a hierarchy, a top rung built on the backs of other subordinates. Fungi, members of the eponymous

Modernism makes marks on bodies. Mott Haven and Hunts Point, two of the poorest neighborhoods in the South Bronx, are collectively known as “Asthma Alley” for their high prevalence of asthma. Here, people are hospitalized with asthma at 21 times the rate of some of the city’s wealthier quarters. Despite the area’s low rates of car

I have passed through the empty lot on the corner of Williams Street and High Street many times this year, but not until now have I come to understand the significance of this place as an active site of energy production. The lot appears distinctly unremarkable compared to other places on campus. The ground is

Under the guise of growth and productivity, capitalism has instead left ruins in its wake. Whether it be the terrors of global warming, depletion of natural resources in the name of capital, increasing job insecurity, or individual physical and mental exhaustion, capitalist ruins surround us. Throughout this piece, I hope to illustrate what is meant

In the past decade, Brazilian private schools have been interested in the possibility of sending students to study abroad, either to participate in summers or, more importantly, to attend college as undergraduates. These schools have dedicated SAT/TOEFL professors, college application tutors and connections with multiple universities across the world with the promise of sending their
