• Ivy Lagerberg has written:

    This does a great job beginning the explanation of the complexities that are involved with the naming and timing of the Anthropocene, and it does it in a way that is very accessible! This is a hard prompt, to explain something so hard to a young audience, and I do think there are a few points where the language could have simplified even further, but for the most part, I can see how you’ve catered to the correct audience. I think near the end seems the most complex, but the last paragraph brings it back down to the young audience by asking them to engage with what you’ve introduced. Great job homie!

  • Safa Figal has written:

    I really like the format of a podcast geared towards kids for this piece! The Anthropocene can be such a complex topic and I think hearing it literally talked through (or read in a speaking tone) can help break down some of these large concepts. I particularly was drawn to your metaphor of geologists as storytellers and epochs as chapters in a book– that’s such a simple and effective way to envision epochs. I also appreciated how you ended on a hopeful note by giving listeners suggestions of actionable things they can do to help in the effort of sustainability.

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