Refusing to Produce During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Anthropocene . Capitalism . COVID19 . Op-EdsAn interesting graphical depiction for the word change is that, when it occurs in our lives, change forces us to leave our state of inertia in the past, altering the general direction of our future. But extreme changes, such as those caused by COVID-19, are different. This epidemic, like other uncontrollable disasters, forces humans to

Recently, I have felt like the world is ending. My friends have nonchalantly referred to our current times as the “apocalypse” in casual conversation, and this sentiment feels increasingly more true as I scroll through coronavirus related news articles and updates on the rising death toll that litter my social media accounts. Long lines at

The pandemic has derailed reality at every level. Grocery shopping now seems like a suicide mission and people are already comparing the stock market crashes to the Great Depression rather than the Great Recession. The speed and intensity with which seemingly fundamental social structures are toppling reveals their inherent fragility. Recently, I’ve overheard a lot