Category: For Kids, Teachers, and Parents

This post corresponds with an essay entitled: “Stories in, of, and for the Anthropocene: Exploring with Turkeys“ For a short essay on why I went exploring with turkeys click here:

The term “anthropocene” has been getting thrown around recently to help understand humanity’s impact on the earth. But what does it mean? In this podcast, I break down the term and why people use it at a level appropriate for a middle schooler interested in the environment. Podcast transcription: I want to talk about my

The ocean has been my life long companion and has played a key role in shaping and enhancing my education. Like most kids, the most impactful parts of my early education started long before I entered school. I grew up in a small, close knit community on the coast of Maine. Some of the first

This is a lesson plan for kids centered around the Anthropocene. It is best geared towards students in 4th-6th grade. It is made to function as a standalone workshop, but could also be incorporated into existing lessons or curriculum. While I have included a script and timeline for clarity, all activities are flexible. Enjoy! Goals: Students

Podcast Transcript: Hello fellow scientists! Welcome back to “Curious World”, the podcast where we talk about what on EARTH is going on. I’m Elsa Dupuy d’Angeac, your host. In today’s episode, we are going to learn about something called the Anthropocene! The An-thro-po-cene? What is that? Well, it may sound weird and confusing, but it
