• Elsa Dupuy d'Angeac has written:

    I always walk through the power plant without really noticing it but kind of wondering what it’s for, so I really appreciate that you chose to write about it! The relationships you explore between the plant’s aesthetic blandness, its function, and how we react to it are super interesting! I also think your question about having access to the power plant contributes to your re-imagination of the space really well. Also, I did not know that Roth implements big developments over the summer so as not to “disturb” us, that’s very interesting info. Really awesome job!

  • Talia Lanckton has written:

    I also think the power plant was a really cool location to reflect on. I got to go down there with my enviro class this semester and it was by far the most interesting place I’ve been on campus. I appreciated your description of the all-too-human process of power production. While in the plant one of the most striking things was the little human appliances littered among the large-scale production equipment (a toaster, a microwave, a fridge).

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